Minggu, 04 Januari 2009


The environment of Sekolah Anak Terang is designed to stimulate wonders and support multiple interactions between students-students and students-teachers. Indoor and outdoor spaces provide a variety of Learning Centers, opportunity to learn and discover. Having a healthy, safe and secure environment that reflects our Developmentally Approriate Curriculum is essential to support our 'inclusive' and non-biased programs.

Learning Process
process of learning at Sekolah Anak Terang is designed to increase student's confidence for working in groups and encouraging interactions through: Projects, Group discussions, Individual, Large & Small Group Activities, Explorations, Experiments, Investigations, Problem Solving, Creative Thinking. This Active-learning approach involves students in doing science, social and other projects with using indoor and outdoor explorations.

Our staff will encourage Open-discussions, two way communication, student's ideas and opinions to be expressed freely in classroom activities. Having our staff modelling respect and valuing students will want to respect, value and accept other people's opinions as well.

The role of the teachers/educators will be as facilitators. As facilitators, teachers will be Scaffolding, Planning, Observing, Evaluating, Selecting, Questioning, Fostering, Role Modelling, Mediating and Collaborating with students. Our teachers will conduct a Developmentally Appropriate Practice in his/her teaching. Our teachers will continue to receive professional development through Teacher Training Programs, Education Workshop and Weekly meetings.

Materials & Resources
Sekolah Anak Terang provides educational materials and equipments that are developmentally appropriate. A variety of open-ended and non-biased materials are provided which reflects our culture. Diversity of accessories, simple and complex materials as well as creative constructive materaials are available to increase student's physical, cognitive, social and emotional and language development.